
Hua ching ni pdf
Hua ching ni pdf

It is preceded and followed by Yin lines thus the usual bad commentary attached to this line (cf. It is an even place while the line is Yang. Hi chushel,You may have to email Hua-Ching Ni to ask him why he made those remarks however, they make sense to me.The fourth line place is about the heart and feelings. It seems quite different than other commentaries that I am familiar with.So.Why does this line have the abiity to improve itself? AND ESPECIALLYHow can it become the source of Thunder?Other commentaries seem to speak about being mired, stuck in the mud,confused etc.Is this commentary considering perhaps the position or relationship of the lines or the attributes of the trigrams or some thing else?I am appreciative of any insights you may have. This line (51.4 ) has the ability to improve itself and can become the source of thunder.That statement really intrigues and puzzles me. Hello All,I am posting here for the first time after rejoining Clarity after an absence.I have been studying and contemplating the I Ching for a few years and have found many wise and thoughtful comments from members on this site.Therefore, I am hopeful that some of you may have insight into a question that is puzzling me.In Hex 51.4 - Hua-Ching Ni - 'Book of Changes' - writes.' This entire hexagram shows various levels or situations in which one experiences Shock. Author of Tao, Workbook for spiritual development of all people, The key to good fortune, The book of changes and the unchanging truth =, 8,000 years of wisdom, The Spiritual Expedition, Internal growth throughTao, Harmony. We will be glad if you will be back to us again. We have The Story of Two Kingdoms (Esoteric Teachings of the Tradition of Tao, Bk 1) ePub, doc, txt, PDF, DjVu forms.


So that if you need to download pdf by Hua-Ching Ni The Story of Two Kingdoms (Esoteric Teachings of the Tradition of Tao, Bk 1), then you've come to correct site. When applied to the foundation of a healthy life, these practices can lead a person to complete development.Close. His invaluable legacy includes useful and effective spiritual practices along with teachings for enlightenment and wisdom. The second emperor of the Sung Dynasty entitled him "Master of Subtle Reality."īorn in 871 A.D., Chen Tuan ascended in 989 A.D. His life was almost embodied within the clouds and the mist of the mountains, but he kept deeply within the root of the highest Tao. He reached the highest pleasure of spirit. Everyday he enjoyed the movement of the mountain breeze, the warmth of the sun and the brightness of the moon.

hua ching ni pdf

It provides the reader with the experience of Chen Tuan, an achieved Taoist living joyfully in the Hua Mountains. Life and Teaching of Two Immortals, Volume II: Chen Tuan includes in depth commentaries which provide insight into the achievement of this highly respected Taoist Master. For the sincere spiritual student, he is a bridge to the immortal world. The story of Kou Hong illustrates how Tao can be learned by most people to help them achieve a long and healthy life. He achieved spiritual ascendance in 363 A.D. Master Kou Hong was a physician and a specialist in the art and science of refining medicines, including the golden immortal medicine.

hua ching ni pdf

He was the first Master to write an accurate book providing details about the immortal practice. Kou Hong, whose pen name was Pao Pu Tzu, "The One who Embraces the Simple Essence," was born into an ordinary family around 283 A.D. The Life and Teaching of Two Immortals, Volume 1: Kou Hong includes stories and in-depth commentaries which provide insight into the achievement of the renowned Chinese spiritual master, Kou Hong. Description: In this two-volume series, Hua-Ching Ni describes the life and cultivation of two great Taoist Masters, Kou Hong and Chen Tuan, whose lives can serve as a model of development for modern spiritual seekers and teachers of integral development.

Hua ching ni pdf